Small Groups
Find a group and get plugged in! Contact the group leader to join.
Book of the Month Club
Like to read and want to talk about it? Come join the Beyond the Book Club. We will be reading one book a month. Everyone welcome!
Leader: Debbie Weier,
When: 2nd Monday of the month from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m.
Where: Book Nook on the 2nd floor of the Michel Building
The Prayer Team
The focus of this small group is training and releasing members in all forms of prayer and prayer ministry. This team will also be released to pray anywhere as needed.
Leaders: Pastor Mark,
Where: FLC Conference Room
Sunday Morning Voices
Choir Music ministry , Directed by Dr. David McCalla – This great group meets every Thursday at 7:00 pm. for one hour. Each Thursday practice ends in specific prayer. The ensemble leads the 8:45 am Sunday Service in hymns and liturgy. Each Sunday an anthem is sung. Soloists and instrumentalists are encouraged. Each Christmas season the group performs Part I of Handel’s messiah with other chorister’s from Miami to Ft. Pierce. If interested in this small group you may call or email Dr. David McCalla at 845-694-9183 or or better yet, just come join us for practice in the Sanctuary at 7:00 every Thursday.
Sunday Morning Bell Choir
Come and join the Bell Choir! We meet every Thursday at 6:15 p.m. for practice. We usually perform every other Sunday during the 8:45 a.m. service.

Sunday Services
Where You’ll Find Grace
You’re welcome here. Join us to celebrate, to mourn, to give thanks, to ask questions, or to pray. Come as you are.